The Chemo Diet
This diet is a slice of absurdity. First my previous diet goals were eating healthy or losing weight. Forget all of that. Here are the points of my current diet (and why I eat at home most of the time.) No restaurant vegs/fruits. Don't know how well it has been washed. At home I am to wash the bagged pre-washed salads. Wash fruits. That makes sense with apples and other hard fruits where I normally eat the skin. But washing a banana seems weird. (until you realize that you are handling the outside, then touching the inside with your hands. ) Well done. Steak. Eggs. Meat. Cook everything well. For a medium rare lover, this is just sad. No buffets. People, lots of sick people. Avoid crowds. Okay, this is not restaurant suggestion, but it is. Wear a mask. I own some, haven't worn one in public. yet. Add calories to your food. Whipped cream on Jello. Creamer in coffee....